The program curriculum is designed to provide students with the in-depth perspective and the analytical tools to flourish in financial services and corporate finance positions. Internship course is optional but is strongly encouraged.
The program requires 35 graduate credits plus a 6-credit thesis, with a total of 41 credits. The standard load is 3-4 courses per semester.


Doing your thesis...

  1. Decide your research topic and find an advisor by the end of your 2nd Semester; get the “Thesis Advisor Agreement Form” signed by the advisor.
  2. Complete other requirements:
  3. Prepare for your thesis exam: in the semester of completing course credits, you may request the degree thesis examination:
    • Discuss and confirm with your advisor on:
      • The date and time of your thesis exam (the last day to take the exam for fall/spring semester is January 31st / July 30th) and the venue.
      • The Committee members, their names and titles.
    • At least one month before the exam, submit your thesis exam application form (two original copies) to the program office, with your certificate of passing the AREE courses.
    • About one week before the exam, visit the program office to do the final check of all the documents to be used in the examination.
    • Before or on the day of the exam, provide the result of thesis originality comparison to your advisor and exam committee.
  4. After the thesis exam, you need to complete the following things: